Monday, March 16, 2009

My Real Beef With Smokers

What a turn society has taken on smokers. 30 years ago, almost 50% of the adult U.S. population smoked, while today it is around 22%. The novel thing for the government to do was to tax the crap out of cigarettes to profit off other people's vices, just as they've done with drunk drivers and sex offenders. How disappointing that our society outcasts those who are struggling instead of trying to help them readjust to living meaningful lives that can be productive to others. You can still hate (/tax) the sin and love the sinner.

So I feel for you, smokers. It seems there are otoher addictions that don't get singled out quite like yours. But here's the problem I have with you: you litter! You throw your damn cigarette butts on the ground instead of taking the extra second to dispose of them in a trash can! C'mon now. Anyone that's ever adopted a highway mile or been part of a clean-up volunteer project can attest to how annoying it is to pick up tiny Marlboro pieces with gloves while hunched over on a road or in a parking lot.

I know I'm overgeneralizing. There are some smokers like my aunt who are very conscientious of their smoking and clean up after themselves. But on the whole, I've noticed many more litterers than eco-friendly smokers.

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